Like most of the people we serve, Bonnie lives in a sudsidized senior apartment complex downtown, Cathedral Plaza. She’s 81 years-old and moved here from the Colorado Springs area. We were referred to her while she was receiving rehabilitation therapy at a skilled nursing facility following knee surgery. She was particularly concerned about her cat as her neighbor who usually watched it was hospitalized as well.

One of the Thriving Downtown staff took care of her cat during her rehabilitation stay and when she completed her inpatient therapy, we assisted her with transitioning home. She faced tremendous financial burden as her medical co-payments had mounted. We found that she qualified for Medi-Cal, so we guided her through the application process which greatly reduced her share of the cost. We also helped her navigate and complete the lengthy MTS paratransit services application to become qualified. She now receives vouchers each month from the Travelers Aid Society to pay for rides throughout the county.

With mounting co-pays, we assisted her in securing Medi-Cal.

Thriving Downtown has been following her for nearly three years and she has remained out of the hospital. She suffered a fall at a doctor’s office fracturing a few teeth and required expensive dental work. We helped her contact a personal injury attorney who assisted her in getting her dental treatment paid for.

We continue to visit Bonnie frequently as she suffers from debilitating anxiety and depression. The emotional support is beneficial to her as she often isolates herself in her apartment.

She has expressed a desire to find subsidized housing back in Colorado as she wants to “return to nature,” so we’ll provide assistance insofar as possible to aid in this transition as well as to help her maintain her independence.