A 85-year-old eccentric, self-described “Retired La Jolla Socialite” whose group of friends progressively dwindled due to advancing age and deteriorating health over the past 14 years, she has lived in a senior apartment building Downtown. She was referred to us by a Serving Seniors social worker as she no longer had anybody to help her get to her medical appointments. We’ve taken her to many different doctors over the past few years and have also aided with her beloved rescue dog “Juliette,” a pet that keeps her busy with multiple walks daily.
Adjusting to changing needs.
Physically she remains in relatively good shape, but she’s beginning to lose her short-term memory and is unable to keep up her personal appearance nearly as well. She would benefit by having help keeping her apartment clean and doing laundry, but to date, she has been resistant to our offer to attain assistance from In-Home Supportive Service through the County. She has no family, so as she continues to slow down, she’ll need an advocate to assist her in navigating coming changes. Our goal, as always, is to help her remain at home with her dog as long as feasible.