Chuck is a 74-year-old male with moderately advanced Parkinson’s disease who was referred to Thriving Downtown in January 2015. He was recovering in a post- acute rehabilitation facility following surgery to implant a deep-brain stimulator and needed assistance retrieving items from his apartment. Since his only family lives in South Dakota, he has come to rely on Thriving Downtown assistance often.
Not long after returning home from the rehabilitation facility, a fire broke out in his apartment complex and he was displaced at a hotel for more than two months. Since the hotel had no bus stop nearby, he needed help getting to and from his many medical appointments and he became one of our regular clients.
A fire broke out and he was displaced for more than 2 months.
On two occasions over a six month period, he was not in front of his building at the scheduled pick-up time and when we went to check on him, he was unresponsive. Each time paramedics had to be called and unfortunately he required admission to the hospital for thyroid-related issues. Had we not been assisting him, he may not have received appropriate treatment to sustain life.
We continue to facilitate Chuck’s transportation and scheduling needs to ensure that he receives medical care for his many health issues so that he can continue functioning independently in the downtown community.