Michael, a 68-year-old retired veteran, was referred to Thriving Downtown by a social worker at a local skilled nursing facility (SNF) in July 2015. He was at the facility recovering from a hip fracture and began to encounter challenges paying boarding fees for his beloved Cocker Spaniel “Gracie.” The doggie day care service was costing him $50 per day which he could not afford, particularly with his extended SNF stay. We picked up the dog and found a staff member at the nursing facility who volunteered to take her in for three weeks at no cost.

As he approached his anticipated discharge, it was determined that Michael needed an additional three weeks of inpatient physical therapy, so we located a dog sitting service which cared for Gracie at a rate of $20 per day.

Our staff found temporary, no-cost care for his beloved pet.

When it came time for Michael to return home, we helped him get the apartment ready and transported him. We set up medical equipment to ensure his comfort and safety and established an online grocery delivery service he could utilize.

Unfortunately, Michael required two additional surgeries due to a fall and subsequent complications. We continued to be his primary resource for transportation and non-medical care as he has no family or friends who live locally. He has done well and regained independence; he has even begun to drive again. Once he gains a little more confidence, he has expressed interest in becoming a volunteer for our organization.